Sunday, 6 October 2013

The Lift - a review by Sean Durack

The Lift review by Sean Durack  

Highly original, excellent short film about the documentation of the lives of a London community who live in a tower block. The filmmaker Marc Isaacs sets himself up with a camera in a London Tower block lift and films the users of the lift over the course of several days. From time to time he asks people questions such as what did they dream about last night?, what was their favourite childhood memory? and was religion important them? A trust is built up and some people in this multi-cultured community offer more information about themselves as time goes on. It is a fascinating, captivating, atmospheric and moving film with funny moments throughout which is the result of the  filmmaker’s flawless attention to detail that helps to create a vivid, credible portrait in the everyday life of the London community. Impressive debut film for Isaacs. Not to be missed.  

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